Where was st anthony born

  • Where was st anthony born
  • St.

    {MEM-1}{CAPCASE}where was st anthony born

  • Where was st anthony born and died
  • St. {/PARAGRAPH}

    {MEM-1}{CAPCASE}where was st anthony born

  • How did saint anthony became a saint
  • St. anthony de padua
  • anthony idaho{/CAPCASE}{/MEM}.

    Saint Anthony of Padua

    Saint Anthony of Padua, 17th Century  (© Musei Vaticani)

    Born into a noble family at Lisbon, Portugal, in (on August 15, it is believed), and baptized Fernando, the man we would come to know as St.

    Anthony was 15 years old when he entered the Canons Regular of St. Augustine. He was trained for the priesthood in Coimbra, in the monastery of the Holy Cross, and ordained at the age of His early prospects strongly suggested an academic career: as a philosopher and theologian.

    He desired a more severe religious life, however. The turning point came in when the remains of five Franciscan missionaries tortured and killed in Morocco reached the church of the Holy Cross.

    From the Augustinian rule to the Franciscan rule

    Fernando decided to leave the Augustinian canons and follow in the footsteps of Francis of Assisi, choosing then to be called Anthony, in imitation of the great Desert Father of that name.

    He nurtured a powerful missionary zeal, on the strength