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    The Current Hypertension Controversy: There is None.

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    For most of human history, blood pressure was unknown.

    It was first measured in 1733 by Stephen Hales, an English pastor who lived in a simpler time when religion and science were not seen as mutually exclusive.

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  • His 1733 manuscript “Hæmostaticks” describes how he “caused a mare to be tied down alive on her back…[and] having laid open the left crural artery…inserted into it a brass pipe...” The famous artist’s drawing of the historical event mistakenly has the tube inserted into the horse’s neck.

    When he unclamped the artery, he saw the blood rise up the tube and oscillate up and down 2 or 3 inches with each heartbeat. Thus was blood pressure measured for the first time.

    However, for blood pressure to have any clinical value there needed to be an easier to way measure it, since human patients tend not to be as accommodating as horses.

    It was Siegfreid Karl Ritter von