Animal mechanism by etienne-jules marey histoire

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    Hektoen International

    Philippe Campillo
    Lille, France

    “[…] I think, together with Claude Bernard, that movement is the most important act, in that all the functions come into play in order to achieve it.”1

    Marey had a long and distinguished scientific career covering more than 50 years, focusing principally on the study of movement.

    Animal mechanism by etienne-jules marey histoire

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  • In all its forms, he tried to record and track movement in order to better deconstruct, dissect, and analyze its functionality in medicine, physiology, and biomechanics. Instruments, appliances and machines, images and chronophotographs, devised and fabricated, attest to his scientific abilities and imagination.2 Marey very soon realized that most of the advances made in the experimental sciences, as in the sciences of pure observation, result from the methods and instruments used.

    The creation of a large number of measuring instruments, linked with the graphical representation of physiological signals, reveals the origins of most of his s