King menes of egypt biography examples
King menes of egypt biography examples for kids
King menes of egypt wikipedia.
Menes (c 3150 BCE) is a legendary Egyptian king who is credited with uniting Upper and Lower Egypt into one kingdom. During his reign, Menes is credited with ushering a new era of prosperity, peace and expansion of arts, culture, religion and literature.
Menes is also credited with introducing papyrus and writing.
King menes of egypt biography examples
Historical evidence on Menes is scanty, and most historians believe Menes is an honorific title, and his legend is based on a variety of kings. In particular, Menes is believed to be based on the Egyptian king Narmer.
The historical Menes
Ebony plaque of Menes in his tomb of Abydos
Knowledge of Menes comes from historical accounts written many years after he lived.
Archaeological digs never found any direct evidence of Menes as a pharaoh, and as a result, some Egyptologists believe that Menes was an honorific title which means “he who endures”. Menes was not an actual individual but had come to represent the concept of an ideal Pharoah who had achieved th