Richard musgrave vvaw organization ideas
Richard musgrave vvaw organization ideas
Richard musgrave vvaw organization ideas videos...
Winter Soldiers: An Oral History of Vietnam Veterans Against the War
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By Kurt Hilgendorf (reviewer)
Winter Soldiers: An Oral History of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War
By Richard Stacewicz
Statue of Liberty Takeover, 1976 |
Gary Okihiro, in Oral History and the Writing of Ethnic History, writes that "Oral History is not only a tool or method for recovering history; it is also a theory of history which maintains that the common folk and the dispossessed have a history and that this history must be written." No better approach could be applied to the history of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, an organization made up of thousands of returning veterans in the 1960s and 1970s who felt detached from, and often spurned by, the rest of American society, and an organization that for more than forty years has stood for justice for not only veterans but co