Olympe de gouges beliefs about government contracts

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  • Olympe de gouges beliefs about government contracts

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    The Declaration of the Rights of Women

    Chapter Two – Early Liberal Feminism

    Olympe de Gouges


    Mothers, daughters, sisters, female representatives of the nation ask to be constituted as a national assembly.

    Considering that ignorance, neglect, or contempt for the rights of woman are the sole causes of public misfortunes and governmental corruption, they have resolved to set forth in a solemn declaration the natural inalienable, and sacred rights of woman: so that by being constantly present to all the members of the social body this declaration may always remind them of their rights and duties; so that by being liable at every moment to comparison with the aim of any and all political institutions the acts of women’s and men’s powers may be the more fully respected; and so that by being founded henceforward on simple and incontestable principles the demands of the citizenessses may always tend toward maintaining the constitution, good morals, an